PHP and MySQL Introduction
Duration: 2 days
MySQL™ and PHP are two of the most popular open source technologies to emerge during the past decade. PHP is a powerful language for writing server-side Web applications. MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. Together, these two technologies provide you with a powerful platform for building database-driven Web applications.
Aspect Training’s Introduction to PHP training course examines the core concepts and technologies required to build a basic dynamic website using PHP. The Introduction to PHP training begins by examining how to setup and configure Apache to support PHP and then our Introduction to PHP training moves on to explore the language fundamentals of PHP. The Introduction to PHP training concludes with a discussion about form-driven websites, state management, and overall site design.
This course is suitable for experienced web developers with a good grasp of HTML and general web concepts.
1 - Getting started
Background to PHP
Installation and configuration
Embedding PHP tags
Adding comments
Using the Print function
2 - PHP scripting
Using variables
Dynamic variables
Data types
Defining arrays
Associative arrays
Manipulating arrays
Operators and expressions
If statements
Switch statements
The While statement
The For statement
Defining functions
Passing arguments
3 - Working with forms
Forms overview
Capturing user input
Get and Post differences
Working with global variables
Handling file uploads
4 - Accessing databases
Establishing a connection
Setting up queries
Using SQL commands
Displaying results
Adding records
Modifying records
Deleting records
5 - State management
Overview of strategies
Using hidden fields
Creating query strings
Reading and setting cookies
Setting expiry dates
Deleting cookies
Overview of session functions
Using session variables
Tracking the session ID
Manipulating data
Formatting strings
Manipulating strings
Searching strings
Regular expression functions
Replacing patterns in strings
Splitting strings
Formatting dates
Converting data types
6 - Errors and debugging
Overview of PHP errors
Logging errors
Typical scripting errors
Debugging strategies
Using Print statements
The Debug function
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