Telephone: 0208 942 5724
Telephone: 0208 942 5724
The demands on the JavaScript language have increased dramatically over the last few years as developers are tasked with writing more and more complex scripts, using JavaScript, AngularJS, NodeJS and many more.
ECMAScript 6 completed in 2015 and formally dubbed “ECMAScript 2015.” Takes JavaScript programming to new levels many developers have been asking for.
The features vary widely from completely new objects and patterns to syntax changes to new methods on existing objects. The exciting thing about ECMAScript 6 is that all of its changes are geared toward solving problems that developers actually face.
This course takes existing JavaScript developers through the new powerful capabilities of ECMAScript 6.
Experience of developing JavaScript web pages/applications is required.
The Road to ECMAScript 6
About This Course
Var Declarations and Hoisting
Block-Level Declarations
Block Binding in Loops
Global Block Bindings
Emerging Best Practices for Block Bindings
Strings and Regular Expressions
Better Unicode Support
Other String Changes
Other Regular Expression Changes
Template Literals
Functions with Default Parameter Values
Working with Unnamed Parameters
Increased Capabilities of the Function Constructor
The Spread Operator
ECMAScript 6’s name Property
Clarifying the Dual Purpose of Functions
Block-Level Functions
Arrow Functions
Tail Call Optimization
Expanded Object Functionality
Object Categories
Object Literal Syntax Extensions
New Methods
Duplicate Object Literal Properties
Own Property Enumeration Order
More Powerful Prototypes
A Formal Method Definition
Why is Destructuring Useful?
Object Destructuring
Array Destructuring
Mixed Destructuring
Destructured Parameters
Creating Symbols
Using Symbols
Sharing Symbols
Symbol Coercion
Retrieving Symbol Properties
Exposing Internal Operations with Well-Known Symbols
Sets and Maps in ECMAScript 5
Problems with Workarounds
Sets in ECMAScript 6
Maps in ECMAScript 6
The Loop Problem
What are Iterators?
What Are Generators?
Iterables and for-of
Built-in Iterators
The Spread Operator and Non-Array Iterables
Advanced Iterator Functionality
Asynchronous Task Running
Class-Like Structures in ECMAScript 5
Class Declarations
Class Expressions
Classes as First-Class Citizens
Accessor Properties
Computed Member Names
Generator Methods
Static Members
Inheritance with Derived Classes
Using in Class Constructors
Creating Arrays
New Methods on All Arrays
Typed Arrays
Similarities Between Typed and Regular Arrays
Differences Between Typed and Regular Arrays
Asynchronous Programming Background
Promise Basics
Global Promise Rejection Handling
Chaining Promises
Responding to Multiple Promises
Inheriting from Promises
The Array Problem
What are Proxies and Reflection?
Creating a Simple Proxy
Validating Properties Using the set Trap
Object Shape Validation Using the get Trap
Hiding Property Existence Using the has Trap
Preventing Property Deletion with the deleteProperty Trap
Prototype Proxy Traps
Object Extensibility Traps
Property Descriptor Traps
The ownKeys Trap
Function Proxies with the apply and construct Traps
Revocable Proxies
Solving the Array Problem
Using a Proxy as a Prototype
What are Modules?
Basic Exporting
Basic Importing
Renaming Exports and Imports
Default Values in Modules
Re-exporting a Binding
Importing Without Bindings
Loading Modules
Working with Integers
New Math Methods
Unicode Identifiers
Formalizing the __proto__ Property
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