1 - Introducing Windows Forms
Creating a Form
Adding Controls to a Form
Creating an Inherited Form
Organizing Controls on a Form
Creating MDI Applications
2 - Working with Controls
Creating an Event Handler for a Control
Using Windows Forms Controls
Using Dialog Boxes in a Windows Forms Application
Adding Controls at Run Time
Creating Menus
Validating User Input
3 - Building Controls
Extending and Creating Controls
Adding Design-Time Support for Controls
Licensing a Control
4 - Using Data in Windows Forms Applications
Adding ADO.NET Objects to and Configuring ADO.NET Objects in a Windows Forms Application
Accessing and Modifying Data by Using DataSets
Binding Data to Controls
Overview of XML Web Services
Creating a Simple XML Web Services Client
Persisting Data
Windows Form Applications and the Data Entity Model
An Introduction to LINQ
5 - Interoperating with Managed Objects
Using .NET and COM Components in a Windows Forms Application
Calling Win32 APIs from Windows Forms Applications
6 - Printing and Reporting in Windows Forms Applications
Printing From a Windows Forms Application
Using the Print Preview, Page Setup, and Print Dialogs
Constructing Print Document Content by Using GDI+
Creating Reports by Using Crystal Reports
7 - Asynchronous Programming
The .NET Asynchronous Programming Model
The Asynchronous Programming Model Design Pattern
How to Make Asynchronous Calls to Any Method
Helping Protect State and Data in a Multithreaded Environment
8 - Enhancing the Usability of Applications
Adding Accessibility Features
Adding Help to an Application
Localizing an Application
9 - Deploying Windows Forms Applications
.NET Assemblies
Deploying Windows Forms Applications
10 - Securing Windows Forms Applications
Security in the .NET Framework
Using Code Access Security
Using Role-Based Security